PROVO -- The Cougar track and field teams are splitting this weekend to seek out the best competition possible this weekend as they travel to Tempe/Mesa, Ariz. and Berkley, Calif. to compete in three different invitationals.
The men and women's team will send the largest group of athletes to Ariz. for a meet Friday at Mesa Community College and Saturday at the Sun Angle Invite hosted by Arizona State University.
"This is a double meet," men's head coach Mark Robison said. "We are taking a big group and are looking to see improvement. We consider these two meets to be like a two-day competition."
The majority of the athletes will compete both days, but some will wait until Saturday's competition, which is expected to be one of the best in the nation this weekend.
"There will be a lot of PAC-10 competition there," Robison said. "But we are also excited because we here that LSU, ASU, USC and maybe even Florida might be there. That is incredible competition; all top ranked teams. It is going to be a good meet."
On the women's side, the Cougars pole valuters, throwers, distance runners and few other events will head to Ariz. while the rest of the team heads to Berkley.
"We are trying to give further opportunity to get tuned up for conference and nationals," women's head coach Craig Poole said. "We have been to Arizona so many times, I want to see a different venue."
Beyond seeing a different venue the Cougars will head to Berkley to see a little different competition offered by other PAC-10 teams.
"Essentially this weekend we are striving for improvement, new personal records and maturation in the sport," Poole said.
The Cougars are returning from competition last week at the Texas Relays and from their home Cougar Invite where several athletes set new personal records and showed their strength against some of the toughest competition in the nation.
Results of the trio meets can be found at www.byucougars.com throughout the weekend.