Brett Pyne | Posted: 7 Dec 2001 | Updated: 7 Dec 2001

Jimmy Balderson, Up Close

Nickname: Big Smooth

Favorite cold cereal: Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Why did I choose to play basketball over other sports: It's a family sport.

Favorite Steve Cleveland quote: "You gotta hit the shots when the lights are on."

How did I spend my off-season: Played a lot of golf.

Who has had the greatest influences on my basketball career and why: Ross Blockmer, he made it possible for me to go to BYU. My dad and my brothers for their examples.

What do I want to be doing 20 years from now: Working on Wall Street or with a big corporation.

Who is the best player I've ever faced: Jermaine Bucknor.

What would I like to do sometime in my life: Play in the Olympic Games.

One place I would love to visit: Europe

If I could play another position, what would it be: Point guard

How did I select my jersey number: Danny Ainge wore it.

What is the best book I've ever read: To Kill a Mockingbird.

People say I look like: John Goodman (skinnier version).

My favorite professor or most interesting class I've taken at BYU: Sports Psychology

My most memorable athletic achievement or moment: Winning zones.

My Favorite scripture: 2 Nephi 31:20

My Favorite website:

Interesting fact most people don't know about me: I am from a small town.

On game day, my friends and relatives: drive 12 hours and watch the game.

My advice to youngsters: "The buff don't puff."

If I were on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, the person I'd call for my lifeline is and why: Darcy Sorpold: He is fun to talk to.

If you could invite any three people to dinner who would they be: Jim Carrey, J-Lo, Steve Nash.