Birthplace: Newport, Oregon
Parents are Pamela and Brent Bunker
Has seven siblings
Major: Public Health, Health Promotion
Personal Interests/Hobbies: Playing and composing music for the piano, surfing and spending time with my family.
Interesting facts: Cherilyn grew up acting and singing in the following performing arts productions: Faith in Every Footstep, Suessical, Fiddler on the Roof, The Sound of Music, The Wizard of Oz, Beauty and the Beast, The Taming of the Shrew, Cinderella, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Alice in Wonderland, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
Before BYU
Four-time District Champion in the shot put
Four-time District Champion in the discus
Two-time District Champion in the javelin
Two-time District Champion in 100-meter hurdles
Three-time State Champion in the shot put
Two-time State Runner-Up in discus
Personal Bests: Shot put – 14.05m (46' 1.25''); discus – 44.90m (147' 4''); hammer throw – 42.75m (140' 3''); weight throw – 14.69m (48' 2.5''); javelin – 43.01m (141' 1'')