Anonymous | Posted: 6 Sep 2002 | Updated: 6 Sep 2002

Naki Maile - Up Close

Nickname: Big Nox

Favorite cold cereal: Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

What is your favorite Gary Crowton quote: "Hammer time."

Why did you choose to play football over other sports: I weighed too much to do gymnastics.

Before a football game, I: Call my wife.

How did you spend your off-season: What off-season?

Who has had the greatest influence on your football career and why: My Dad, he's always been there and encouraged me.

What do you want to be doing 20 years from now: Quality control at Firestone.

Who is the best player you've ever faced: "Oh--Teag!!"

The dirtiest team I've ever played is: Pee Wee Dolphins, dirtiest five-year-olds I've met.

What would you like to do sometime in your life: Be under 300 pounds.

One place you would like to visit: Hershey, Pa.

If you could play another position, what would it be: Kicker, so I don't have to run.

How did you select your jersey number: How many peanut M & M's are in a king-size bag?

What is your favorite hobby or activity away from football: Playing with my daughters.

People say I look like: My Mom and my daughter Emeline.

My favorite professor or most interesting class I've taken at BYU: Richard Johnson, juvenile delinquency.

What is your most memorable athletic achievement or moment: Being the fastest guy in my third-grade class.

If you had to give up all of your possessions except one, what would be the one thing you kept and why: My wife and kids, they are most important.

My favorite scripture: Philippians 4:13

My advice to youngsters: Listen to your parents and respect your elders.

Interesting fact most people don't know about me: I am anorexic.

If I were on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, the person I'd call for my lifeline is and why: My mother-in-law Linda Davis, she knows random facts about everything.

If I could invite any three people to dinner who would they be: Shrek, Barney and Blue (from Blue's clues), my daughters would love it.

On game day: My family all comes to the game, my wife, kids, Mom, Dad, brothers and in-laws that live here. My wife's family has a BYU football party for Cougar fans in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

How did you find out about the September 11th tragedy: My daughter turned on the TV and the news coverage was on. I thought it was a movie, but realized it was too early for a movie like that to be on. I was in total shock.