admin | Posted: 17 Sep 2012 | Updated: 8 Nov 2020

Head coach Bronco Mendenhall post-practice comments - Boise State

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The following are comments from head coach Bronco Mendenhall's post-practice press briefing, along with comments from quarterback Riley Nelson and linebacker Spencer Hadley.

On Houston Reynolds:
Houston Reynolds has a torn Achilles and is done for the season. He is having surgery next week. He has three tests this week otherwise we would have done it this week.

Watching the film of the Utah game, any moment you’d like to have back?
The obvious one is the miscommunication on the snap that went past Riley and was picked up and taken back for the touchdown. If I could pick one play to take back, that’s the one that is easy to pick out.

Anything you can do on the false starts and crowd noise?
I over-estimated, just because we had so many seniors, and we had been up there before. I thought they would be more accustomed to it. I probably could have made a bigger deal about it in terms of blaring music. I could have maybe emphasized it a little more.

Are you disappointed in all the personal fouls?
Not really. A lot of times, the personal fouls are signs of aggressive, confident play. I don’t really think that’s what is problematic at this point. There were more execution things that I was more upset about.

Are you concerned about any hangover from Utah?
Literally, it’s really hard for anyone else to understand. As a coaching staff, that game already seems like it was weeks ago. We’ve put so much into Boise State already that until I get asked like this, I really don’t think about it. There’s no time to think about it.

On freshman running back Jamaal Williams:
He’s been impressive and has been climbing since fall camp. We’ve just continued to be impressed.

On challenges Boise State presents:
Just playing there. I think 57-3 is their home record. It’s hard to go in and win. Fans support the culture, etc. similar to the environment we were just in. But then they’re coached really, really, really well. The systems on both sides are very, very good and there is mastery at what they do. Guys are raised in the system so there is execution at such a high level.

On Boise State’s offensive line not giving up a sack yet this season:
It’s partly their offensive line and it’s partly their system. Statistically, if you go back five years, in terms of where they are ranked in giving up sacks, I think they’re in the top-5, top-10 every year. So their system has a lot to do with it.

Coach Petersen said he actually talks to you quite a bit, what's that relationship like with him?
Oh, I like him. I like him a lot. He and his wife Barb are really quality people. I think the world of him as a person and they have a really good team, and so I consider us friends.

Senior QB Riley Nelson

Is the turnaround a positive thing given the circumstances?
That’s hard to say. Utah is a physical football team. You’re beat up and bruised. But there’s nothing we can do about it now. We set that schedule a long time ago. Our game is scheduled for Thursday night; let’s go play Thursday night.

What’s the pickup for a program that hangs so much of its season goal on being perfect when a loss comes so early like this?
One week at a time. It is a magical thing to go undefeated in college football. Very few teams get to do it. Even last year’s national champions lost a game. I would be surprised if there was an undefeated team this year. Not all is lost, 12-1 is a pretty darn good record. So we still have a chance at that and we’re striving for it.

On Boise State’s fans:
The Boise State fans come out in the masses. They love their Broncos and they fill that stadium week in and week out. It really doesn’t matter who they’re playing. It’s going to be a fun game and a fun environment. It’s fun to be on a national stage, to be the only game on TV that night and we’re looking forward to it.

Junior LB Spencer Hadley

What do you hope to accomplish against Boise State?
Another win. On top of that, a good confidence builder. It would help us set the tone for the rest of the season. Boise State is a great team. A win against Boise would be exactly what we need right now.

Boise hasn’t lost a home game in September in 11 years. Can a team take motivation from the fact that everyone expects visitors to go in and lose?
A team can if they prepare their minds right and they come in with the right attitude. As far as we’re concerned, I don’t care how many wins they have on their field. We have a game against Boise State on Thursday and we’re going to go do our best to win it.